What's on

Irish Traditional Music Festival in Doolin

Russell Festival 2025
20-24 February

Please note the Russell Festival Weekend 2023 will take place on 23-27 February 2023. The programme will be announced closer to the festival.

The Russell Festival Weekend features a variety of events for all ages including concerts, recitals, album launches, Website Launch, lectures, workshops, kids and teens sessions, pubs sessions and a tribute to the Russell Brothers at Doolin Graveyard following Sunday mass. See the full programme below.

Thursday 20/02

Gussie Mac Mahon Memorial Trophy | Sean Nós Dancing

Brand new to this year’s festival is a Sean Nós Dancing competition in honor of Gussie Mac Mahon and Brian Mc Mahon.

There will be a novice competition for Under 18 (The Gussie Mac Mahon Memorial Trophy) and a juvenile competition for Under 12 (The Brian Mc Mahon Memorial Cup).

Please note this Sean Nos dancing competition is only open to students of Céim ar Chéim Dance School.

For more information please contact Vincent Mac Mahon at vinneymc1@hotmail.com

Time: 7:30
Venue: The Attic at Hotel Doolin
Admission: Free (donations at the door for Irish Heart Foundation and Pieta House)

Welcome sessions

Time: from 8pm
Venue: Various venues
Admission: Free

  • Fitz’s Pub at Hotel Doolin 9pm with Tunes From Doolin Session with Charles Monod (concertina), Rachel Reid (fiddle), Vincent Fogarty (bouzouki) & friends.

Friday 21/02

Flute Recital with Conor Crimmins

Flute Recital with Conor Crimmins, accompanied by Marty Barry (guitar)

Time: 6:15pm
Venue: McDermott’s Pub
Admission: Free

Pub sessions

Time: from 6:30pm
Venue: All pubs and hotels
Admission: Free

  • McDermott’s Pub from 9:30pm
  • McGann’s Pub from 6:30pm
  • Fitz’s Pub at Hotel Doolin from 7pm
  • Russell’s Bar at Fiddle+Bow from 8pm
FRIDAY Concert - Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh & Dónal O’Connor / James & Carol Cullinan, Mick Conneely, Dermot Byrne & Steve Cooney

The Russell Festival’s main Friday event featuring Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh & Dónal O’Connor followed by James & Carol Cullinan, Mick Conneely, Dermot Byrne & Steve Cooney

Time: 7:30pm (doors 7pm)
Venue: Russell Community Centre
Admission: €25 on Eventbrite.ie

Festival club with megatrad

Get ready to party at the Festival Club with MEGATRAD !!

Time: 11pm
Venue: The Attic at Hotel Doolin
Admission: Free Entry

Saturday 24/02

Flute & Whistle Workshop

Flute & Whistle workshop with Christy Barry.

All ages welcome. Musicians must be at an intermediate level as these are not beginner classes.
Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue: Doolin National School
Admission: €40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops)
Concertina Workshop

With Liam O’Brien.

All ages welcome. Musicians must be at an intermediate level as these are not beginner classes.

Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue:Doolin National School
Admission:€40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops)

Fiddle Workshop

With James Cullinan.

All ages welcome. Musicians must be at an intermediate level as these are not beginner classes.

Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue:Doolin National School
Admission: €40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops)

Tunes From The Russells Workshop

Learn tunes from Micho, Packie & Gussie Russell with Charles Monod, local musician, teacher and researcher (“Tunes From Doolin” and “The Russells of Doolin“)

Adults only, all melodic instruments welcome, intermediate level.

For more information about this workshop, please contact tunesfromdoolin@gmail.com

Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue: Russell’s Bar (Fiddle+Bow Hotel)
Admission: €40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops).

Irish Traditional Singing for young people

Irish Traditional Singing Workshop for young people (10+ years old) with Therese McInerney.

Beginners welcome.

For more information about this workshop, please contact tunesfromdoolin@gmail.com

Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue: The Attic at Hotel Doolin
Admission: €20 (Saturday only workshop)

Talk with Garry Shannon - "Traditional Music in North Clare since 1900 with particular focus on the musicians of Doolin"

Talk with Garry Shannon – “Traditional Music in North Clare since 1900 with particular focus on the musicians of Doolin”

Garry Shannon is a flute player and presenter with the Kilfenora Ceili Band for over 30 years and is also known as a soloist of great skill with many commercial recordings. He has taught and arranged music widely over the past 35 years and has an MA in Trad Music Performance from University of Limerick. He is coordinator of Meitheal Summer School for young musicians of high competence. He will be honoured by Comhaltas this summer as Ard-Ollamh for his lifelong contribution to traditional music.

Time: 12:45
Venue: The Attic at Hotel Doolin
Admission: Free

Kids Sessions

Open sessions for kids (under 12) led by Rachel Reid and Charles Monod. All levels and instruments welcome.

Time: 1:30pm
Venue: Russell Centre
Admission: Free

Album Launch - "When The Wind Blows Wild" by Brian Hughes

Album Launch – “When The Wind Blows Wild” by Brian Hughes (whistles/uilleann pipes)

Time: 1:30pm
Venue: McGann’s Pub
Admission: Free

Fiddle Recital with Sorcha Costello

Fiddle Recital with Sorcha Costello.

Time: 2:30pm
Venue: Doolin Inn
Admission: Free

Sean Nós dancing taster workshop with bríd kivneen

Sean Nós dancing taster workshop with Bríd Kivneen. Event for beginners.

Time: 3:30pm
Venue: Russell Centre
Admission: Free

Album Launch - "Sooner Or Later" by Tara Breen

Launch of “Sooner or Later”, an album of Irish Traditional Music on fiddle by Tara Breen

Time: 4:30
Venue: Russell’s Bar (Fiddle+Bow)
Admission: Free

SATURDAY CONCERT - Noel Hill & Brian McGrath / Séamus and Caoimhe Uí Fhlatharta

The Russell Festival’s main Saturday event featuring Noel Hill & Brian McGrath and Séamus & Caoimhe Uí Fhlatharta.

Time: 7:30pm (doors 7pm)
Venue: Russell Centre
Admission: €25 on Eventbrite.ie

Sunday 23/02

Flute & Whistle Workshop

Flute & Whistle workshop with Christy Barry.

All ages welcome. Musicians must be at an intermediate level as these are not beginner classes.
Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue: Doolin National School
Admission: €40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops)
Concertina Workshop

With Liam O’Brien.

All ages welcome. Musicians must be at an intermediate level as these are not beginner classes.

Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue:Doolin National School
Admission:€40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops)

Fiddle Workshop

With James Cullinan.

All ages welcome. Musicians must be at an intermediate level as these are not beginner classes.

Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue:Doolin National School
Admission: €40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops)

Tunes From The Russells Workshop

Learn tunes from Micho, Packie & Gussie Russell with Charles Monod, local musician, teacher and researcher (“Tunes From Doolin” and “The Russells of Doolin“)

Adults only, all melodic instruments welcome, intermediate level.

For more information about this workshop, please contact tunesfromdoolin@gmail.com

Time: 10:30-12:30
Venue: Russell’s Bar (Fiddle+Bow Hotel)
Admission: €40 (covers Saturday and Sunday workshops).

Sunday Brunch Session

Early open session with Aisling Lyons, Brian Hughes & Cillian O’Dalaigh

Time: 11am
Venue: McGann’s Pub
Admission: Free

Memorial Mass

Memorial Mass followed by laying of the wreath at Russell’s Grave.

Time: 1pm
Venue: Doolin Church
Admission: Free

Concertina Recital with Liam O'Brien

Concertina Recital with Liam O’Brien.

Time: 2:30pm
Venue: Doolin Inn
Admission: Free

Intermediate Open Session sponsored by OAIM

Intermediate Level Open Session sponsored by The Online Academy of Irish Music (OAIM), led by Paddy Cummins & Charles Monod

Time: 1:30pm
Venue: Fitz’s Bar, Hotel Doolin
Admission: Free


An afternoon featuring a host of local, rising talent with Céim Ar Chéim Dance School and also featuring Ennistymon CCÉ Group and An Cairn Ceoil group.

Time: 2pm
Venue: Russell Community Centre
Admission: Free

Teens session at mcdermott's pub

Teens Sessions at McDermott’s Pub. All teens welcome to join in.

Time: 3pm
Venue: McDermott’s Pub
Admission: Free

Community Singing Circle

Inclusive singing circle with Eugene Lambe (Fear an Tí) and special guest Connor Connolly.

Time: 3:30
Venue: Doolin Inn
Admission: Free

Album Launch - Kate & Eddie Moloney

Launch of accordion and mandolin duet album by two of Clare’s finest, Kate & Eddie Moloney.

Time: 4pm
Venue: The Attic
Admission: Free

The Attic Sessions - Special Singers

The Attic Sessions – Singers’ Night feat. Geraldine MacGowan, Tim Dennehy & Seán Lyons.

This special event is organised by The Attic Sessions, an intimate concert series that runs throughout the summer. To celebrate Micho Russell’s passion for songs, this 1-hour concert focuses on three wonderful singers.

For more information about this concert, please contact tunesfromdoolin@gmail.com

Time: 7:30pm (doors 7pm)
Venue: The Attic at Hotel Doolin
Admission: €15 on TunesFromDoolin.com

Pub sessions

Time: from 11am
Venue: All pubs and hotels
Admission: Free

  • McGann’s Pub from 11am
  • McDermott’s Pub from 3pm
  • Fitz’s Pub at Hotel Doolin from 1:30pm
  • Russell’s Bar at Fiddle+Bow from 5pm